Replacing a Sloppy Mouse Cursor
Someone recently asked an interesting question on the forum: What’s the best practice for dealing with a sloppy mouse cursor on a screencast? I have …
Someone recently asked an interesting question on the forum: What’s the best practice for dealing with a sloppy mouse cursor on a screencast? I have …
I am honored this week to bring to you an interview with Chip Dizard. Chip truly is a Jack of all trades. A video producer, …
In your ScreenFlow screencast, you want your page curl transition to curl from the right side instead of the left side? No problem. Now you can do that!
One of the things I do here at Telestream is send out our email marketing. We use a program called Communigator. Although Communigator is a …
I recently had the pleasure of connecting with Ray East, the “video tutorial guy” from BeLight Software. Ray is an American working in Ukraine for …
We couldn’t have done it without you! Big thanks for your votes from all of us — Telestream Wirecast has won the best Webcasting/Presentation solution …
David Besozzi is a National Board Certified secondary social studies teacher with the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake High School in central New York state who uses screencasting as an fundamental part of his curriculum. He recently contacted us to let us know how much it has changed his teaching.
He has created screencasts to help him with his daily instruction, and has found that students are responding positively to his initiative. He says, “I have been tracking student use of screencasting for the last two years. The data indicates that students find screencasting a worthwhile endeavor. As educators become more willing to embrace technology as a resource for enhancing instruction, software such as ScreenFlow will help to make the development of those enhanced resources easier to achieve.”
Bravo, David, for embracing screencasting! Read all about what he’s doing and how he’s doing it below.
The abundance of streaming options, some free, some not, have garnered great impact for the Occupy movement. Wirecast and other tools, are enabling technically-savvy protestors …
Throughout the years, we’ve had quite a few great basic audio tips posts. Many people say that without great audio, you can’t have a great …
When configuring your broadcast, bear in mind that any changes in video size or dimension, will cause compression and loss of quality. To ensure the …
One of the nice time savers in ScreenFlow is the ability to publish directly to YouTube or Vimeo from the timeline. This takes the guesswork …
How can you add life to your Powerpoint & Keynote presentations? One way is to to add a movie, a soundtrack, or an animated clip to your slides. Here’s a rundown of compatible formats.
I’ve had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with Wez Maynard (@Wez on Twitter) of OC ThirdPole. OC ThirdPole is a world-wide sport events company, marketing …
A few people have contacted me recently with questions about cropping. So, here’s a brief primer on all the different ways to crop and scale …
In the following video, I explore the basic principles for lighting a green screen and your subjects to get that perfect composition you’ve always wanted. …
Most people are ultimately making marketing videos – with the goal of selling something, whether it be a company, a product, or a service. (You might think, “Hey, there are lots of other types of videos too! The honey badgerWhat about those ridiculous honey badger videos!” Well, you’ll notice that even those that seem to be purely entertainment are selling something… in this case, he’s got his own line of honey badger t-shirts. So I would argue that many entertainment videos are marketing videos in disguise. Troll around YouTube, and you’ll be hard pressed to find a video that’s not ultimately marketing something- either a brand or a product or even a link to a site that has advertising or other products). So, for most (i.e. marketing) videos, the optimal length depends on the goal of the video itself, and where the viewer is in the sales process.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a world that is “always on”? Lately I’ve been thinking more about the …
Wirecast’s flexibility allows it be used in some very unusual configurations. That’s the nature of a program who’s strengths range from a software switcher to …
We’re pleased to announce that Wirecast Pro, in conjunction with the Matrox Multi-Ingest video capture card, has been chosen by Ellegy to bring live coverage …
In this tutorial, we show how to use Wirecast’s Shot icon on the toolbar to add an external microphone to a particular shot. If you’ve …
We’re in the middle of revamping our ScreenFlow studio here at Telestream headquarters. So when the opportunity came up a few weeks ago to record …
I recently had a customer ask me: How can I add mouse click effects to a screen recording that I made with ::gasp!:: a screen …
I had the fortunate opportunity to interview online marketing guru Grant Crowell, who is a regular contributor for ReelSEO, the online video marketing guide. Grant …
When I found out that all the trainers were using ScreenFlow for their in-depth training videos, I thought it might make an interesting story …
There is a lot of planning and thought that goes into a creating screencast. Determining your ideal screen resolution is an important factor to consider …
I love it when I come across handy products that I can use to help improve my screencasts. Audacity is the latest tool I’m happy …
I recently came across this pre-flight screencasting checklist from Viziblr, which had some great tips on things to do to prepare for a screencast. …
Have you ever clicked to watch an online video and waited… and waited… and WAITED until it finally loaded and started playing? If you’re making …
We are lucky to have a community of ScreenFlow users who love our product and like to share their tips and expertise. We count French …
“An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a very narrow field.” ~ Niels Bohr I have …
I was recently introduced to Mark Burgess through his brother Craig, who works here at Telestream. Mark is doing some really interesting video work, and …
Derrick Freeman is an Instructor, and Video Streaming and Compression Consultant, for Freeman Compression. This tutorial covers how to configure Live Streaming for Apple’s iPhone …
Have you heard of Prezi yet? Prezi lets you create amazing-looking presentations. Forget PowerPoint and Keynote! Prezi is infinitely more stylish with its endless, slide-free …
If you’ve ever wanted to create a ScreenFlow tutorial you might have asked yourself: How do I record the little box that comes up BEFORE …
In case you missed it, here’s a pre-recorded version of Friday’s The Tech Buzz show starring Wirecast 4, and Telestream forum moderator, Craig Seeman. I …
I first heard about Cliff Ravenscraft about a year ago when something came across my desk that mentioned he was a ScreenFlow user. So I …
I was lucky enough to meet Nathalie Lussier a few weeks ago at BlogWorld. I was immediately drawn in by her enthusiasm (not to mention …
Andy Beach is a digital media professional whose knowledge of video post-production, compression and interactive design has attracted clients such as: Microsoft, Major League Baseball, …
Andy Beach is a digital media professional whose knowledge of video post-production, compression and interactive design has attracted clients such as: Microsoft, Major League Baseball, …
Our friend Marty (@turtleknife) posted a fabulous ScreenFlow yesterday on how to create your own unique transitions, where he shows us, step-by-step, how to create …
Any tip that improves efficiency is a worthy tip in my opinion. Here’s a quick one: use the “[” and “]” keys to nudge your …
Has it been almost a year since I wrote my post on where to find background music for your screencasts? Evidently so, but I recently …
The Quintessential ScreenFlow series is meant to showcase some of the cutting edge techniques that ScreenFlow-ers are using to create their videos. My pick for …
I recently tweeted that according to comScore, Minutes of Viewed Live Stream Video have grown by 600%. Six hundred percent. I wish my stock portfolio …
I recently started a video project and thought, “If I only had some footage of the ocean, this would be perfect!” OK, I live 3 …
“No idea is so outlandish that it should not be considered with a searching but at the same time steady eye.” ~Winston Churchill Do you …
ScreenFlow is great at capturing what’s going on on-screen. But what if you want to add a video of your talking head, or stream in …
If only computer inputs were plentiful and camera outputs simply matched those inputs. Each camera type has its own set of benefits and liabilities and …
The Chroma Key (Green Screen) functions in Wirecast are a great way to enhance your broadcast. They allow you to insert an image or video …
We’ve had several great posts about the importance of high-quality audio, with tips on how to improve your audio. But there’s one aspect of your …
Matthieu Blanco wants to encourage people to stop hiding behind technology. As he says, (in his native French,) “La force de ce que vous créez …
My next subject in the “Meet the Screen-Flow-er” series is our good friend, Chris Beiting. Chris is a talented and professional screencaster. In fact, we’re …
Often when I’m creating a ScreenFlow video, I’ll want to break up a monotonous stretch of screenshots (or my own talking head) with some interesting, …
I’m pleased to announce that Telestream will be sponsoring the Media Lounge at this year’s Nevada City Film Festival. In conjunction with Cognizant Productions, Telestream …
Many Wirecast streamers would love to take live video call ins or one on one guest interviews. Since the complementary Desktop Presenter doesn’t send audio …
There are many important aspects that go into streaming a live broadcast. I often have people asking: “Which settings should I use to broadcast a …
Chris Meyer of Pro Audio Coalition wrote a couple of very interesting articles tracking his adventures in improving the audio in his studio. The first …
Kory Hartman is part of SevereStudios, a midwestern company that tracks extreme weather events and has over 400 storm chasers around the US. He took …
“Snap to guides”, or “Snapping” is a useful feature when you’re trying to align or position items in your Preview Window or on your Timeline. …
Paul McGovern is one of our most vocal and loyal ScreenFlow supporters. It just so happens that as a lecturer in digital media & game …