Who What Why & How: Recording your iOS Device

iPadWho What Why & How: Recording your iOS Device

Back in November we released ScreenFlow 5, which included lots of cool new features and refinements, including the ability to record your iOS device right in ScreenFlow.  Once the recording is done, you can use ScreenFlow’s editor to add some eye-catching details, like animated text or Touch Callouts (finger gestures).

Who needs this?

Our initial vision saw app developers being the primary audience for this feature.  Since release, we’re happy to see it’s relevant to a much larger audience. Last November, we were at the MacTech conference and had the opportunity to demo the capability to MacTech’s sophisticated audience.  The MacTech community was very excited to get their hands on the software so they could use this capability in their trainings & tutorials.  In addition.

What do I need to get started?

We have ramped up our system specs with this release.  Take a look at our system specs. to ensure your hardware & OS are ScreenFlow 5-ready.

Why do I want to do this?

iOS Recording opens up several new interesting workflows that will help you expand your audience.

App Previews

As you’ve likely noticed, the Mac App Store now allows developers to feature App Previews alongside their apps to allow users to get a taste before they purchase.  In fact, Dave Verwer of iOSDevWeekly.com calls ScreenFlow 5 an “essential tool” for iOS Development.


Whether you’re responsible for the IT rollout at your company, or simply want to show Aunt Millie how to close apps on her iPhone, this is a versatile feature you will use again and again.


Telestream employee Avi Morgan sometimes uses an iPad for his artwork.  The iOS recording feature captures his process, and enables Avi to teach his techniques to other users.  This recording was originally over 6 hours long, but Avi has sped up the clip to a more manageable time frame!

Here’s what Avi had to say about this piece:

“The scene depicts a moment from May 1st, 2011 when my brother and I went to explore an old neighborhood in San Jose that was slated for demolition. Initially we checked out a former boxing venue called Forman’s Arena, which was built in 1926. Next we wandered through the quiet streets to see the little homes and buildings there for the last time. We came across the structure depicted in the illustration, at the end of Old Julian Street, where it terminates at the Guadalupe River. The building had been built in 1937 as an Italian restaurant run by Giacomo Gandolfo. It was demolished in 2013.”

If you would like to see more of Avi’s artwork, find it here.

Ok, I get it.  How do I do this?

We also found this most-excellent post from Hugh Kimura over at SensorTower.  Everything you need is right there (Thanks, Hugh!)

Have you used the iOS Recording feature in ScreenFlow 5?  Send us a link so we can have a look and help promote your work!

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